How to use Stillio and Semrush for Competitor Research
Discover how Stillio can give you an edge over your competitors
Marketing and advertising agencies operate in a highly competitive field—so they need massive competitive advantages to stay afloat. Stillio is a tool that brings those advantages. We help you monitor your market opponents and keep your clients satisfied by taking frequent web screenshots of all relevant pages.
The dynamic environment that is the field of marketing and advertising can be taxing to keep up with. Having to make screenshots of numerous web page manually every day can only add to the frustration, taking up the time you need for more worthwhile assignments.
We created Stillio to do what you shouldn’t have to tackle yourself—preserving your brand’s online heritage while you’re dealing with meaningful agency work.
Stillio is the easiest way to show proof of compliance, without the headache of manual screengrabs.
Discover how Stillio can give you an edge over your competitors
Learn how screenshots can help you monitor the latest SEO trends.
New trends pop up daily on social media platforms. Learn how screenshots can help you automatically monitor social media trends.
Start capturing website screenshots automatically and save a lot of grunt work. You'll be set up in minutes. No credit card required. Check our pricing plans.